so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

It's Easter!!! w00t!!
woke up too early this morning. no really. i'm just not used to getting up in time to leave by 10 a.m. still, the sermon was good. and worship was good, despite the fact that i HAVE NO VOICE. dang it. really, the one thing that bothers me most is not having a voice. but i think God is using this to teach me,too. since He's blessed me with musical talent my entire life, i've taken it for granted. and now i'm learning how to worship Him without using my voice. the worship today was all between me and Him--none of it could be about focusing on singing right, since i couldn't sing anyway. and He's changing the way i live and the way i worship Him, so that my worship is more a part of my lifestyle than merely a matter of showing off my musical talent. this is just one lesson i had to learn the hard way--i've heard various lessons on worship lately, but they never really, truly stuck. so God got my attention this weekend, which is good. really. so, yeah. God rocks my face off. speaking of people who rock my face off, ryan and molly are leaving today :( it makes me sad, but i will see at least ryan again in a couple months. and eventually i'll get to hang out with molly again. she's awesome. haha, we all dyed eggs today, and then we launched the eggs into the lake from our balcony. that was awesome.
well, i guess it's back to mes devoirs!!! later everyone, and Happy Easter!!! i love you all BIG MUCH!!!!!


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